About the FORUM

The ECCAS Climate Prediction and Applications Centre (ECPAC), within the framework of the Climate Services and Applications program (ClimSA) with the support and coordination of the African Centre for Meteorological Applications for Development (ACMAD) in collaboration with the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), the National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) and other partners, organizes the fifteenth seasonal climate forecasting forum in Central Africa (PRESAC-16).

The forum strengthens links and networks between climate service providers and stakeholders in user sectors. It is also a mechanism to accelerate the training of Meteorological Service officers and users on the climate service value chain and exchange on reforms to support good governance and ensure quality of climate services in the region.

The forum constitutes an authentic and reliable source for quality climate information for the region, developed on the basis of regional and local needs and the available capacities. Users in the region from the humanitarian sector in particular are increasingly becoming stakeholders of the forum contributing to the planning, organization, resourcing of the sessions, the review of the process thus ensuring innovation, sustainability and better applications to meet the needs of decision and policy-makers.

The forum is also organized to facilitate the implementation of the strategy of the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) for disaster management and adaptation to climate change which includes the production and integration of better climate information in national and regional early warning systems.

The PRESAC-16 will take place from 10th to 14th October 2022 on the theme: « Climate service for Early Warning for Early Action and Response».

The PRESAC-16 is organized with financial support from the European Development Fund through a contribution agreement to the African Union to implement the ClimSA Program in Africa.


The forum PRESAC-16 aims to:

  • Produce and disseminate seasonal climate forecasts for the countries and the sub-region valid from October to January (OND & NDJ) 2022/2023, hazards and potential impacts as well as the measures proposed to the water, health, disaster risks and agriculture stakeholders in the region to build resilience;
  • Adapt meteorological and climate products to users’ needs;
  • Share lessons learned and experiences from the use of climate information during the previous MAM and AMJ 2022 season;
  • Identify gaps and areas for improvement in the interaction between RCCs, National Meteorological Services, Disaster Risk Managers and Humanitarian Agencies;
  • Consolidate the dissemination of the products of the early warning system (seasonal forecast and medium and short-term weather forecast), monitoring and evaluation;
  • Discuss with stakeholders in health, water, risk and agriculture management participating in the forum on hazards, potential impacts, updating contingency plans and their implementation.


  • A seasonal forecast and a summary note of the specific risks and actions to be taken for the socioeconomic sectors in the Central Africa region for the 2022/2023 OND/NDJ season are produced;
  • Climate forecast products are adapted to user needs for more efficient, targeted and amplified use;
  • Collaboration between Disaster Risk Management Agencies, Humanitarian Agencies and National Meteorological Services and User interface platforms strengthened;
  • Experiences, lessons learned and best practices in early warning-early actions in the region are shared;


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