Start date 5 May 2022
End date 6 May 2022


Niamey, May 05, 2022/ACMAD. Participants are invited to the second ACMAD Continental Steering Committee meeting for intra -ACP Climate Services and Related Applications project (ClimSA) implemented through a grant with African Union Commission as Contracting Authority.  This project is part of the ClimSA programme known as a joint initiative of the Secretariat of the Organization of African, Caribnean and Pacific States (OACPS) and the European Union (EU) to foster sustainable development by strengthening climate services value chain in ACP regions. Technical assistance, financial assistance and capacity development are the priority areas of intervention of the programme.

The ClimlSA programme contributes to timely, appropriate data and information for policy, planning and action. It supports choices and decisions on the best adaptation optionas we addresse climate variability and change.  Supporting development with climate services available at the last mile is a challenge the programme will address. 

The project is implementesd with international and regional partners including RCCs, developing Regional Climate Centres in the ACP regions,  the World Meteorological Organization, The European Commission Joint Research Centre and EUMETSAT.  Strengthening user intr=erfaces, quality climate services, access to data, capacity building and mainstream climate information in development plans are the main outputs of the project. To effectively steer the project implementation, the Continental Steering Committee (ACSC) at Policy level provides  guidance on project implementation, facilitates political support, and promotes the use of climate services for policy making in Africa. The ACSC will assess the achievements of the project, approve work plans, budget, and annual reports. It will make recommendations to the project management team. It shall provide AUC with the necessary feedback about the implementation of the Continental ClimSA project. The AUC shall take the relevant outputs and issues to the OACPS ClimSA Programme Steering Committee (PSC).

The documentation on the meeting is available here. (English) (French)

Agenda itemDocument numberSubject
0Agenda and organizational matters
Ordre du jour et questions d'organisation
0.2Documentation overview
Aperçu de la documentation
1Opening Ceremony
Cérémonie d'ouverture
2Presentation and discussions
Présentation et discussions
2.1Implementation of decisions and recommendations of the last session
Mise en œuvre des décisions et recommandations de la dernière session
2.2Year 1 report
Rapport de l'année 1
2.3Year 2 work plan and budget
Plan de travail et budget de l'année 2
3Decisions and recommendations
Décisions et recommandations
3.1Decisions and recommendations
Décisions et recommandations
4Closure of the session
Clôture de la session
4.1Date and Place of the Next Board meeting and Closure of the Session
Date et lieu de la prochaine réunion du Conseil et clôture de la session