Director General
ANDRE KAMGA FOAMOUHOUE APPOINTED DIRECTOR GENERAL OF ACMAD (African Centre of Meteorological Applications for Development)
The Chairman of the ACMAD’s Board of Governors, M. Fetene TESHOME on December 21, 2018 announced that Dr. Andre KAMGA FOAMOUHOUE has been appointed as successor to M. Alhassane ADAMA DIALLO as Director General of the African Centre of Meteorological Applications for Development.
He brings to ACMAD an expertise on Predictability of Weather and Climate and a long standing track record providing operational, research, management and leadership knowledge on meteorology. Dr. Kamga Foamouhoue defended a doctorate thesis in 1999 on the quality of ECMWF operational Medium Range Forecasts over Tropical Africa.
of_the_ECMWF_Operational_Model_over_Tropical_Africa .
He led the evaluation of NCAR CSM projections over West Africa .
He is well known in the meteorological community for his key role in the demonstration phase leading to the designation in 2015 of ACMAD as a full-fledged multifunctional WMO Regional Climate Centre (RCC) for all Africa. The first WMO designated RCC in Africa.
His career has taken him to NOAA/NCEP Climate Prediction Center as a visiting scientist at the African Desk, UK Met Office Hadley Centre for Regional Climate Modeling with PRECIS , WMO as Scientific Officer (short term) at the Climate Prediction and Adaption Branch of the Climate and Water Department, European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecast as the EU funded African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analysis (AMMA) project Work Package Leader dealing with Forecast Demonstrations and Operational Forecasting Support for the Special Observing Period(SOP) of AMMA during the 2006 summer monsoon. He was co-chair of the WMO’s World Weather Research Programme /THORPEX Africa Regional Committee and spearheaded the development by a task force of the THORPEX Africa science and implementation plans.
Prior to joining his current position, he was Chief of Climate and Environment Department of ACMAD. He is also a member of the American Meteorological Society as well as the WMO International Coordination Team for the Climate Service Information System of the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS).