The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa’s Conference of Ministers of Finance, Economy and planning is the supreme body of ACMAD(see organizational structure). The ACMAD Board of Governors implements its decisions and resolutions , while the Scientific Advisory COMmittee (SACOM) is the principal body to advise the Board on scientific matters elated to the Centre’s activities trough proposals and recommendations to the Board .
Conference of Ministers of Finance, Economy and Planning
The Conference of Ministers of Finance, Economy and Planning assembles all African countries ministers once a year to determine policies for the fulfillment of the Centre’s purpose, to consider membership; to approve or endorse Regulations; to establish, revise and oversee the activities of the Board of Governors and the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Centre; to endorse the work programme and budgets proposed by the Board of Governors; to reshuffle the Board of Governors.
The functions of the Board of Governors, the Scientific Advisory Committee and the General Directorate are defined in the ACMAD constitution, relevant resolutions and decisions of the UN Economic Commission for Africa’s Conference of Ministers of finance, Economy and Planning, Staff and financial regulations, Rules of procedure of the Board of Governors.
Board of Governors
The Board of Governors of ACMAD implements relevant resolutions and decisions of UNECA Conference of Ministers. The Board of Governors prescribe the general principles and policies governing the operations and give directives for implementation, propose the work programme and corresponding budgets for approval by the Conference of Ministers, prescribe conditions for admission of persons to undergo training at the centre, review and approve reports of the Director General.
The Board of Governors is comprised of twelve members representing different sub regions of Africa. The board is run by a Chairman and a vice-Chairman.
Scientific Advisory Committee
The SACOM was established by the decision 2 of the UNECA Conference of Ministers in 1996 to advise the board of Governors on scientific matters and provide proposals and recommendations. Its functions include:
- Ensure that the scientific content of programmes and products of the Centre meets the regional requirements and standards;
- review the objectives of the centre in the light of emerging economic and scientific developments;
- Develop mechanism for determining users needs and assessing benefits realized through the use of the Centre’s products and services
- Follow up scientific developments in areas relevant to the centre;
- Examine and streamline programme activities and identify staff requirements taking into account the objectives and outputs of the centre’s programme.
The SACOM is composed of seven eminent scientists selected in their personal capacity by the Centre’s Board of Governors for a term of four years and the membership will be renewed by 50 per cent every two years. One member shall be proposed by partners.
Directorate General
The Centre is headed by the Director General who shall be the Chief executive and Administrative Officer of the Centre, He (She) is appointed by the Board of Governors for a period of four years renewable once. Subject to such directions of a general nature as the Board of Governors may give, the Director General of the Centre shall have the responsibility for the planning, organization and direction of technical activities, scientific research, training, advisory and other activities of the Centre.