The 11th Conference on Climate Change and Development in Africa (CCDA XI) ahead of the Africa Climate Week & Summit

“ACMAD with the support of the 11th  European Union Development Fund ( ClimSA programme), the Belgium Development cooperation ( Uclip, GISTIC and CLIMTAG Projects), the EU Horizon 2020 programme for research and innovation( Focus-Africa project and related initiatives),   the Italian development cooperation ( the African MultiHazards Advisory Centre part of AMHEWAS programmme supporting the implementation of the Sendai Framework for DRR in Africa)  and the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) deployee programme  will contribute to the Conference on Climate Change and Development in Africa (CCDA) from 1-2 September, the Africa Climate Summit  from 4-6 September and the Africa Climate Week from 4-8 September 2023 to be held in Nairobi-Kenya.”

The Conference on Climate Change and Development in Africa (CCDA) will be held from 1-2 September 2023 in Nairobi, Kenya. It is an annual conference that brings together different African stakeholder groups on climate change to discuss key climate change and development challenges facing the continent and identify opportunities and solutions. The conference promotes evidence-based and analytically grounded contributions that feed into the African common position meetings on climate change.

The follow up African Climate Summit aims to address the increasing exposure to climate change and its associated costs particularly in Africa.

The Africa Climate Week (ACW) is an annual event that brings together leaders from governments, businesses, international organizations and civil society to explore ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while adapting to the mounting fallout from the climate crisis. This year, ACW 2023 will take place from 4-8 September in Nairobi, Kenya, hosted by the Government of Kenya.

The African Climate Summit (4-6 September) will be organized in parallel with the  Africa Climate Week to provide a platform for policymakers, practitioners, businesses and civil society to exchange on climate solutions, barriers to overcome and opportunities realized in  energy and systems and industry, Land, oceans, food and water, cities, urban and rural settlement, infrastructure and transport, societies, health, livelihoods and economies contributing to the first global stocktake at COP28 in UAE later this year.

The ACMAD Centre will contribute to exchanges, discussions and recommendations on the following key areas:

  • Agriculture, Nature Based Solutions, and the Blue Economy ( CLIMTAG tool)
  • Resilient infrastructure and urbanization ( UCLIP tool, outcome of Abidjan meeting and steering committee of ACMAD ClimSA, ClimSA Climate change Dashboard with return period of heavy daily precipitation for African cities to support infrastructure design, building and operation.
  • Adaptation and resilience to climate risk (My DeWETRA tool for early warning in AMHEWAS, presentations made at AMHEWAS technical meeting in Windhoeck (PDF)).

The ACMAD centre with the support of the World Meteorological organization Contributes to coordination of the preparation of the annual report of the state of climate for Africa.  ACMAD will participate in panel discussions including a session on the State of Climate Information to Drive Early Warning Systems for Development.

Key expectations from the three events are:

  • The CCDA XI will produce detailed papers to inform Expert Review Group Meetings leading to recommendations for the Africa Climate Summit declaration, outcome statements for the Head of States at COP 28 and a conference report;
  • The Africa Climate week will prepare the continent’s contribution to global stocktake expected at COP 28 in the United Arab Emirates;
  • The Africa Climate Summit will deliver the Nairobi Declaration