N° | Title | Date and Place |
1 | PRESAC 14 14ème Forum Régional des Prévisions Climatiques Saisonnières pour l’Afrique Centrale PRESAC-14 | Dates:27 Sept-01 Oct, 2021Venue:Douala , Cameroun |
2 | COP 26The participation of the ACMAD delegation at the 26thconference of the parties (COP26), held from 02-12 November 2021,took place as planned in the CLIMSA project’s 2021 work plan. | Dates:02-12 Nov 2021Venue:Glasgow , Angleterre |
3 | UIP1the first Continental Climate Service User Interface Workshop consisting of a plenary session on The status of climate services provision in Africa followed by parallel sessions on the detailed needs of agriculture and water, Disaster Risk Reduction, and health sectors to build resilience and adaption to climate change impacts. A second plenary dedicated to presentation and adoption of updated climate services needs of the sectors mentioned above, the Terms of Reference of User interface platforms per sector and rules of procedures governing the operations of the platforms. | Dates:26-29 Juillet 2022Venue:Yaoundé, Cameroun |
N° | Title | Date and Place |
01 | AFRICA CLIMAT Week Africa Climate Week (ACW) 2022 is a regional collaboration platform to explore resilience against climate risks, the transition to a low-emission economy, and partnerships to solve pressing challenges. The event is a key step on the road to the 2022 UN Climate Change Conference (COP 27) in November. ACW 2022 is hosted by the Government of Gabon. It is organized by the UNFCCC, in collaboration with the UN Development Programme (UNDP), UN Environment Programme (UNEP), and the World Bank Group. Partners in the region include the African Union (AU), the African Development Bank (AfDB) and the UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA). Regional climate weeks engage and empower stakeholders to drive climate action across countries, communities, and economies. Working together opens opportunities to advance climate action, address social inequalities, and invest in development that is good for humanity and nature. | Dates: 02 Sept Venue: LIBREVILLE-GABON |
02 | CLIMTAG Atelier régional de formation sur l’outil de service climatique pour l’agriculture CLIMTAG, le CLimate InforMation Tool for AGriculture, vise à fournir aux décideurs du | Dates:05-07 Sept Venue: THIES-SENEGAL |
03 | EUMETSAT USERS FORUM The forum is organised in collaboration with the National Meteorological and Hydrological Service (NMHS) of the host country, together with relevant governmental institutions and ministries who also act as hosts. Representatives from the African National Meteorological Services, the African Regional Economic Communities, the African Union Commission, the European Commission, industry and other institutions attend the forum. There are multiple sessions involving discussions on EUMETSAT products and services, the Satellite Application Facilities (SAFs), and information dissemination. On top of this, specific sessions take place to exchange views and discuss with users how EUMETSAT could best promote the use of meteorological satellite data in Africa. The programme normally includes a thematic session on, for example, hydrology, climate, the mitigation of natural disasters and other, relevant topics. The 15th EUMETSAT User Forum in Africa is organised in collaboration with the Tanzanian Meteorological Authority, under the Ministry of Works, Transport and Communications of the United Republic of Tanzania and will take place 13-16 September 2022 in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
| Dates:13 -16 Sept 2022 Venue: Darussalam Tanzanie |
04 | PRESAC 16 The Regional Seasonal Climate Prediction Forum is a platform that brings together experts from the The pre forum will be held in the first week of october and the Forum during the third week of october. | Dates: Fin Octobre Venue: Kigali-Rwanda |
05 | COP 27 The 27th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 27) to the UNFCCC will take place in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt. COP 27 was originally expected to take place from 8-20 November 2021. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, COP 26 was rescheduled from November 2020 to November 2021. As a result, COP 27 will take place from 7-18 November 2022. We will update this page when the agenda for COP 27 is announced. | Dates:06-18 Novembre Venue: Sharme Eilshare Egypte