African Continental User Interface Platform

African Continental User Interface for the Health Sector

Accordion in HTML5
Aim Offering of impact based meteorological services for health sectors.
Institutions WMO, Regional Climate – Health Network, ACMAD, OCEAC, OOAS, CAPC-AC, AghryMet, ICPAC, SADC-CSC
Risks ▪ Floods
▪ Drought
▪ High temperatures spells (heat waves)
▪ Low temperature spells (cold waves)
▪ Dust and haze episodes
▪ Air quality (pollution)
▪ Humidity
Climate services ▪ Clear weather forecast on daily, weekly, monthly and seasonal timescales
▪ Dust and particulate matter concentration in the air
▪ Onset / cessation, vis-à-vis length, of climatic thresholds
▪ Meningitis and malaria watches, warnings and alerts
▪ Projections and historical reviews of climate-health relations
▪ Seasonal forecasts of precipitation, humidity and temperature
▪ Severity of the expected events
▪ Risk assessments for meningitis, malaria, cholera and other climate related diseases
Activities ▪ Analysis of health value chain, share climate information for epidemics surveillance and control as well as advice.
▪ Climate risk assessment for the health sector
▪ Prepare advice for diseases surveillance and control
▪ Training and exchanges between climate services providers and Health experts
▪ Development and update of climate and health information systems with climate, epidemiological data, available infrastructure for prevention and cure.
▪ Update, tailor and share climate I and health data and information among stakeholders
  • Chair: Elected from the ClimHealth Network
  • Secretariat: ACMAD
  • Frequency of meetings: twice a year and ad hoc climate

WMO, Regional Climate – Health Network, ACMAD, OCEAC, OOAS, CAPC-AC, AGRHYMET, ICPAC, SADC-CSC

  • Meningitis outbreak coordination bi-weekly meetings with WHO-AFRO Meningitis Surveillance and Control Programme
  • 2023 Clim-Health Africa meeting:  Libreville, 26 – 28 July 2023

Programmes, Products and Services

Air Quality Monitoring in majors’ cities
Meningitis and watches, warnings and alerts
Seasonal forecasts of precipitation, and temperature
Heat Wave Vigilance Map for the coming 5 days

Composition of the Platform

WMO, Regional Climate – Health Network, ACMAD, OCEAC, OOAS, CAPC-AC, AGRHYMET, ICPAC, SADC-CSC