African Continental User Interface Platform
African Continental User Interface for the Health Sector
Offering of impact based meteorological services for health sectors.Institutions
WMO, Regional Climate – Health Network, ACMAD, OCEAC, OOAS, CAPC-AC, AghryMet, ICPAC, SADC-CSCRisks
▪ Floods▪ Drought
▪ High temperatures spells (heat waves)
▪ Low temperature spells (cold waves)
▪ Dust and haze episodes
▪ Air quality (pollution)
▪ Humidity
Climate services
▪ Clear weather forecast on daily, weekly, monthly and seasonal timescales▪ Dust and particulate matter concentration in the air
▪ Onset / cessation, vis-à-vis length, of climatic thresholds
▪ Meningitis and malaria watches, warnings and alerts
▪ Projections and historical reviews of climate-health relations
▪ Seasonal forecasts of precipitation, humidity and temperature
▪ Severity of the expected events
▪ Risk assessments for meningitis, malaria, cholera and other climate related diseases
▪ Analysis of health value chain, share climate information for epidemics surveillance and control as well as advice.▪ Climate risk assessment for the health sector
▪ Prepare advice for diseases surveillance and control
▪ Training and exchanges between climate services providers and Health experts
▪ Development and update of climate and health information systems with climate, epidemiological data, available infrastructure for prevention and cure.
▪ Update, tailor and share climate I and health data and information among stakeholders
- Chair: Elected from the ClimHealth Network
- Secretariat: ACMAD
- Frequency of meetings: twice a year and ad hoc climate
WMO, Regional Climate – Health Network, ACMAD, OCEAC, OOAS, CAPC-AC, AGRHYMET, ICPAC, SADC-CSC
- Meningitis outbreak coordination bi-weekly meetings with WHO-AFRO Meningitis Surveillance and Control Programme
- 2023 Clim-Health Africa meeting: Libreville, 26 – 28 July 2023
Programmes, Products and Services
Composition of the Platform
WMO, Regional Climate – Health Network, ACMAD, OCEAC, OOAS, CAPC-AC, AGRHYMET, ICPAC, SADC-CSC