22 – 26 April , 2024


Abuja, Nigeria

About PRESASS-11

Sub-Saharan Africa in general is considered to be one of the region’s most vulnerable to the effects of climate variability and change, due to the fragility of its economy. The latter, which is essentially based on the exploitation of local natural resources, is highly dependent on changes in the characteristics of the rainy season. The combined effects of environmental change, demographic pressure and strong hydro-climatic variability have considerably increased agricultural risks and natural disasters.

In order to better manage these different risks, it is necessary to promote the scientific knowledge required for decision-making, while at the same time strengthening the operational systems for preventing and managing these risks.

Within this framework, ACMAD, in collaboration with the Regional Climate Centre for West Africa and the Sahel (AGRHYMET), and other partners (NMHSs, Basin Organisations, International Climate Centres, Risk and Disaster Prevention and Management Platforms and Regional User Interface Platforms, etc.) are organizing the seasonal rainfall Outlook workshop for the Sahelian and Sudanian zones of West Africa and the Sahel (PRESASS-11). This workshop session will be followed by a day of sectoral co-production of adapted information and a day of forum to share the results of the 2024 seasonal forecasts with users, intermediaries and decision-makers.

The main objective of the workshop is to strengthen the capacities of national services through the co-production of agro-hydroclimatic forecasts for the reduction of vulnerability.

More specially:

  • Strengthening participants’ capacities in techniques for analyzing and characterizing agro-hydro-climatic risks in relation to the rainy season for the Sahelian and Sudanian zones of West Africa and the Sahel;
  • Drawing up a seasonal forecast of agro-hydro-climatic characteristics (rainfall totals, start and end dates of the rainy season, dry spells, run-off from river basins);
  • Exchange with partners, in particular with regional user interface platforms in the agriculture and food security sector and the water resources and disaster reduction sector, on the results of seasonal forecasts in order to better adapt these products to their needs and take this information into account in planning;
  • Prepare and disseminate the final statement to users (producers, decision-makers and other technical partners).


  • Rainy season forecasts for the Sahelian and Sudanian zones of West Africa and the Sahel are produced;
  • Regional user interface platforms are operational;
  • Current products are adapted to user needs for more effective and targeted use ;
  • A final statement on risks and specific measures to be taken to reduce risks and disasters is published.


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Day 1: April 22, 2024
Time Activity

09:00 – 09:30
Official opening ceremony of the forum
Opening remarks of the Representative of DG ACMAD
Opening remarks by the representative of DG AGRHYMET
Opening Statement by Director General of Ghana Meteorological Agency

09:30 – 10:15
Current State of Climate over the Gulf of Guinea Region
– State of ocean: observed and projected -ENSO Status, equatorial Atlantic, -Precipitation anomalies (last 90, 30, 10, 7 days) – Evolution of ITF, – State of Onset ofAgricultural Season in Sudano-Sahelian region
10:15 – 10:45 Coffe-Break
SESSION I: Review and Performance Assessment of the MMJ,JJA,JAS 2023 Seasonal Forecast

10:00 -11:30
Performance of National and Regional Forecasts
Assessment of past and present regional and global climatic conditions
Introduction of methods and tools for seasonal performance assessment
SESSION II: Generation of the Seasonal Forecast: Methods, Tools and Data
11h30-12h00 Method and tools: Introduction to the ACMAD’s 9-Steps Approach for Seasonal Forecasting

Status of global climate drivers and their likely impacts on the within Gulf of Guinea region
  • Drivers during the El-Nino years
Lunch break
SESSION II: Generation of the Seasonal Forecast: Methods, Tools and Data (Ctnd)

Analysis of climate variability and trends for target seasons
  • Identifying Analog years
  • Analysis of cumulative daily precipitation by station
  • Identifying similar years selection of dry and wet years by station
  • Overall SST composite analysis for dry and wet years
17h00-17h30 Coffee Break and End of Day 1
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Day 2: April 23, 2024
Time Activity
SESSION III: Introduction of tools and Applications for Climate Service

Analysis of climate variability and trends for target seasons

  • Overall SST composite analysis for dry and wet years
  • Composite analysis of dry and wet year precipitation by country
  • 10h30-11h00 Coffee Break
    SESSION II: Generation of the Seasonal Forecast: Methods, Tools and Data (Ctnd)

    Statistical Downscaling for Seasonal Forecasting

  • Data preparation for statistical
  • Generation and analysis of statistical forecast using CPT
  • 13h00-14h30 Lunch Break
    14h30-16h00 Statistical Downscaling for Seasonal Forecasting (Cntd)

    Analysis of LRF products from GPCs

  • Single model analysis
  • Multi Model / ensemble analysis
  • 17h30-18h00 Coffee Break and End of Day 2
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    Day 3: April 24, 2024
    Time Activity

    Production of national seasonal forecast and regional consensus

  • Forecasts by country and region
  • Discussion and consolidation of the regional consensus forecast
  • 10h00-10h30 Coffee-Break

    Plenary session: Climate-Agro-Hydro experts discussion
    13h00-14h30 Lunch Break
    14h30-15h30 Forecasts Finalization
    15h30-17h30 Drafting the statements
    17h30-18h00 Coffee Break and End of Day 3
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    Day 4: February 29, 2024
    SESSION IV: Dialogue day with User Interface Platform
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    Day 5: March 01, 2024
    SESSION V: Forum
    13h00-14h30 Lunch Break – End


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