Side Event 1

Climate Services for Disaster Risk Reduction and Food Security in Africa

Where: ICPAC Pavillion – When: Monday 11 November, 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm

Substantial increase in frequency, intensity and impacts of extreme events is reducing economic growth across Africa. Warming trend in Africa is higher than the global average.  North Africa recorded a 4 degree per century warming rate over recent few decades. Institutional infrastructure for early warning under establishment and operationalization in Africa will be presented with discussions to accelerate contributions to anticipatory action saving lives.

The Paris Agreement, the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and global development agenda consider Early warning as a key priority. The Africa Programme of Action for DRR includes Multi Hazards Early Warning and Early Action System for building resilience to disasters. With climate change, Africa is regularly recording compounding hazards (floods, droughts, storms, wildfires, cyclones, heat waves, disruptions on the agriculture season…) with devastating socio-economic impacts.  

High temperature and heat waves particularly in North Africa during summer leading to wildfire, droughts often persistent in Eastern and Southern Africa, floods and storms with a focus on southern Africa and coastal areas. Establishment and operationalization of multi-hazard early warning are essential.  Awareness of stakeholders on the progress on institutions and infrastructure for MultiHazards Early Warning and Early Action System will be raised.  


This side event aims to highlight and share best practices, showcase ongoing initiatives, and explore collaborative opportunities to strengthen the capacities of National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHS). The discussion will also explore on the essential need for institutional capacity building, human resource development, technological innovation, and sustainable funding mechanisms.

 ACMAD will showcase Effective Climate Services for an Enhanced Multi-Hazard Early Warning System



The following stakeholders will be invited to participate in the discussion on the above title subject

  1. IGAD Climate Prediction and Applications Centre (ICPAC)
  2. AUC
  3. OACPS
  4. ACMAD
  5. OIC


  • ACMAD: Dr Kamoru Abiodun Lawal (Email:
  • AGRHYMET: Dr Seydou TRAORE (Email:
  • AUC: Dr.Jolly Wasambo (Email:
  • ICPAC: Mr Zachary Atheru (E-Mail:

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