The fourth ACMAD-ClimSA Project Steering Commitee Meeting

May 28, 2024
Addis Abeba

About Steering Commitee
The climate crisis and particularly extreme events has again provided more evidence as a serious threat to the existence of mankind in the African continent. Cyclone FREDDY recognized as the longest lasting on record led to about half a billion of US dollars in losses and damages. Together with geopolitical tensions, food insecurity and inflation in commodity markets, climate change is affecting Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of many African countries year in year out. Combating climate change is therefore a challenge of utmost importance at global, continental, national and local levels.
As a national security crisis in some countries, climate change is being address by raising awareness on its impacts, delivering early warnings and climate information services to build resilience and support adaptation.
Intra-ACP Climate Services and related Applications (ClimSA) is a flagship programme funded by the 11th European Development Fund to support sustainable development through strengthening of climate services value chain by providing technical, financial assistance and capacity building.
In March 2021, the African Centre of Meteorological Applications for Development started implementation of a project under the ClimSA programme at continental level through a grant with the African Union Commission as Contracting Authority.
The ACMAD grant focuses on climate services generation and applications in the agriculture, water, health, disaster risk reduction sectors. The project is being implemented under five main outputs including:
- Structured user interfaces for agriculture, water, health and disasters
- Better climate services generated and delivered
- Improved access to climate data and information
- Enhanced capacity to generate and use climate products
- Climate services integrated in policy and decision processes
Through ACNAD/ClimSA, three User Interface Platforms have been established and are being operationalized at the continental level for agriculture and food security, Disaster risk reduction and health. Given the significant losses and damages due to extreme events and the disruptions on the water cycle with drought impacts, two sub UIPs on infrastructure resilience and integrated and sustainable water resource management under DRR and agriculture UIPs respectively have been initiated. The WMO designated Regional Climate Centre for all Africa continued operating and services to UIPs developed and delivered. ACMAD is upgrading its data infrastructure with Climate and PUMA stations and preparation for the demonstration phase to become a Data Collection and Production Centre (DCPC) of the WMO Information System for Africa. On the job training and secondments, internships, refresher courses, workshops, twining exercises, Pre-fora competency trainings, briefings and debriefings on outlooks, advisories, watches, alerts and warnings are organized improve impact-based forecasting for warning, preparedness planning and anticipatory action. To accelerate mainstreaming of climate information in climate negotiations and development policies, ACMAD attends UNFCCC Conference of Parties with side events and high-level session statements on progress on implementation of the Paris Agreement, challenges, lessons learnt, key messages highlighting the urgency for climate action and perspectives for next year. ACMAD addresses AUC and ACP member countries ambassadors committee and sub-committees on environment and sustainable development to mobilize policy makers to prioritize establishment and operationalization of funding mechanisms to support climate action. ACMAD’s statements also call for institutional strengthening for African institutions to become accredited and executing entities of climate funds.
The fourth ACMAD/ClimSA Project Steering Committee (PSC) is the project’s governing body that provides high level oversight and direction for the implementation of activities project implementation, support coordination at continental and global level.
The specific objectives of the steering meeting are to:
- Assess progress and achievements on project implementation by ACMAD and partners ;
- Review and approve the work plan and budget for next year;
- Promote synergies and partnerships with other projects and partners.
The ACMAD/ClimSA steering committee is expected to have the following outcomes:
- Increased awareness on ACMAD/ClimSA project;
- ACMAD/ClimSA work plan and budget for year 4 discussed and approved;
- Synergies and partnerships strengthened.
Time(GMT+3) | Activity | Facilitator |
09:00-09:10 | Registration | ACMAD | Session 1 | Opening Ceremony | Chairperson |
09:10-09:40 | Welcome Remarks by DG/ETHIOPIAN METEOROLOGICAL AGENCY | |
Remarks by ACMAD | ||
Remarks by EUMETSAT | ||
Remarks by JRC | ||
Remarks by OACPS/ ClimSA Technical Assistance | ||
Remarks by WMO | ||
Remarks by EU Delegation to the AUC | ||
Session 2 | Presentations and discussions | Chairperson |
09:40-10:00 | Presentation and Adoption of the Agenda | |
10:00-10:30 | Report on the Implementation of past steering meetings Decisions and Recommendations | |
10:30-10:45 | ACMAD/ClimSA progress and achievements for year 3 | |
10:45-11:10 | Work plan and budget for year 4 | |
11:10-11:25 | Tea/Coffee Break | |
11:25 -12:00 | Discussions | |
Session 3 12:00-12:45 | Decisions and recommendations | |
Review of draft Decisions and Recommendations | ||
12:45-14:30 | Lunch Break | |
Session 4 | Partners Contributions | |
14:30-15:30 | JRC, EUMETSAT, WMO, OACPS contributions | |
Session 5 | Closing statements | |
15:30-16:30 | EU Delegation to AU,OACPS, ACMAD Board, AUC |