African Continental User Interface Platform
Most African economies and livelihoods are highly dependent on rain-fed agriculture. Within Africa, the agriculture sector is the leading contributor to the economies, averaging 21% and ranging from 10% to 70% of the GDP. However, the region is constantly under the influence of adverse climatic extremes whose impacts is felt far beyond Agriculture sector into Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Health and Water sectors thus negatively impacting socioeconomic activities in these sectors. The recurrent extreme climatic events such as droughts, floods, low and high temperatures among others lower economic productivity of the continent. Further extension of the current adverse climatic conditions into the future is likely to greatly impact African economies negatively. Lack of suitable coping and/or adaptation strategies coupled with the region’s limited institutional, economic, and technological capacity to support the required actions increases the vulnerability of the region to adverse climate as well as climate change impacts. Incorporating weather and climate information into sectorial planning and management activities in the sectors – Agriculture, DRR, Health and Water could greatly enhance the effectiveness of the sectors and strengthen community livelihoods. This may go a long way to reducing the continent’s vulnerability to climate variability and extremes as well as adverse climate change impacts. ACMAD together with partners recognizes the urgent need to mainstream weather and climate information in development as a way of optimizing positive and alleviating negative outcomes for African economies, communities and societies in climate-sensitive sectors. Strengthening climate service value chain in Africa is required to deliver climate services needed for adaptation and building resilience of economy and society therefore facilitating sustainable development. Analysis of climate service value chain highlighted the urgency to structure the mechanisms for effective interactions between Climate information and knowledge providers and users supporting co-design, co-development leading to valuable and bespoke climate services.